How to Quiet a Noisy Furnace Blower?


When winter rolls around, you want to make sure you’ve got everything needed to stay warm, and for most homes, this means firing up the furnace.

These heating units are lifesavers during cold periods but they can also be noisy, and if you’re someone who likes to live in peace and quiet, it’s probably getting in the way.

So, how do you quieten a noisy furnace blower?

The sounds that come from a furnace can be loud, but they shouldn’t be so loud that they’re a cause for concern.

The easiest fix is usually having a professional inspect them for issues, and if none are found, you can come up with some simple soundproofing techniques at home to keep it quiet.

If you’re wondering how to quiet a noisy furnace blower but also want to make sure there’s nothing to worry about, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve detailed some of the most common noises that these heating units make, what they could possibly mean, and how to muffle the sounds of your furnace without doing anything too risky.

Common Noises Made By a Furnace

Noises Made by Furnace

Anyone who’s owned a furnace before can attest to the noise they produce, especially when they need a service.

These are some of the most common noise complaints that people have about their furnaces and what they could mean.

  • Rattling: A rattling inside of the furnace can be from a number of parts inside, but usually indicates that they’re vibrating. Either a part has come loose or fallen off completely, and you may be able to tell by looking inside when the unit is turned off.
  • Rumbling: A loud rumbling might be caused by the burner or the fuel ignitor which is a serious problem and not one to be ignored. If you hear something like this, you should call for help immediately, as leaving it can cause an explosion or fire.
  • Banging: This might occur with a whistling or whooshing sound and is usually due to a problem with vents, filters, and ducts. You can clean most of these yourself and try it again to see if that helps, otherwise, the ducts may need to be replaced to those of a more suitable size.
  • Humming: A loud humming sound can come from either the fan, transformer, or capacitor, and it’s hard to know while looking at it while it’s turned off. Thankfully, to replace either part is cheap, and you can easily clean the fan with good results, but it will likely take an experienced technician to determine what it is.
  • Scraping: This sound usually sounds like metal scraping and is due to a part coming loose inside of the furnace. This could be the motor mount or a loose pulley or wheel, which should all be inspected while it’s turned off. Replacing these parts isn’t always challenging but if you’re unsure where it’s coming from, call for help.
  • Squealing: The squealing sound generally comes from a loose belt that has come unstuck and it is an obvious noise. If you hear this sound, you might be able to remove the belt and look at it to see if it’s come loose, otherwise, call a pro for help. Other times, squealing is because of a lack of lubricant, and if you have an older furnace, you will need to add this yourself.

DIY Solutions to Quieten a Noisy Furnace Blower

Once you’ve ticked off the list and had a professional look at your noise issues, you can probably rest assured that there’s nothing mechanically wrong with your furnace.

Therefore, you need to come up with some ideas for quietening it down while still enjoying the warmth it provides, so we’re here to help.

  • Fill the gaps in the ducts with a sealant made for soundproofing, but make sure it’s suitable for use on appliances like furnaces and heat resistant.
  • Clean the filters regularly and make a note of any parts that need to be tightened or repaired. If you can’t fix them yourself, have an expert look at them.
  • Look at the air ducts and see if they need to be repaired or resized. Sometimes, the problem is not coming from the furnace unit itself but the other parts.
  • Consider using sound blocking tools like a white noise machine or acoustic panels if you want to cover some of the furnace sounds while you sleep.

When to Call A Professional

Professional Looking at Furnace

A furnace is a necessity in many homes but it’s also something that should be taken seriously.

Even if you’re not concerned about any noises, in particular, a furnace or any heating unit should be receiving an annual check-up from an HVAC specialist and have an automatic renewal scheduled so that it’s always inspected on time.

If your home furnace is making any of these scary sounds like humming, scraping, or rattling, and you’re not sure what to do, it’s time to call in the experts.

A faulty furnace can explode and do some serious damage, and if it’s loud enough that you’re looking for soundproofing tips on how to cover it up, it may be due for an inspection.

Keep the Warmth Without the Noise

Our furnaces bring a lot of coziness and warmth to our homes but when they rattle and hum loud enough to disrupt us, it’s the sign of a problem.

There’s only so much DIY soundproofing you can do before you need to call in the pros, so don’t put it off any longer if your furnace doesn’t seem able to turn down the volume.

Related Questions

A Noisy Furnace Blower Questions

Heating and cooling systems like furnaces and air conditioners do a lot of good, but they can also be disruptive with how much sound they give off.

If you’re searching for answers to your questions about how to muffle the noise from an HVAC system at home, we’re here to provide them with some commonly asked questions.

How Can I Make My Air Conditioner Quieter?

The powerful blowing that occurs inside of an air conditioner makes it one of the noisier HVAC units around, but this sound can be controlled with a sound blanket.

These blankets are usually installed by the manufacturer and may need to be replaced after some time, so have a technical look inside your unit to see if there’s one in place.

How to Make a Room Fan Quieter?

If you rely on a room or pedestal fan to provide your home with a cool breeze, you don’t want it to be noisy as well.

To quieten down a room fan, some methods including placing it on a level surface, using a carpet or rug underneath it, oiling the fan motor as needed, and checking the blades regularly to see that they’re in place and securely fastened.

What is the Best Noise Level for Air Conditioners?

Modern air conditioners come with a rating that presents to both their interior and exterior noise levels. The noise of a newer split system air conditioner should be no louder than 35 dB when operating at full capacity, so if you suspect yours is operating louder, you will need to have it inspected.

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