Soundproofing your car with Dynamat is the dream of many people, but not everyone can afford the Dynamat experience.
For a peaceful, silent cruise in your vehicle, there is an affordable Dynamat alternative that won’t dent your budget as much.
Now, you can listen to upbeat music, inspiring radio discussions, and appreciate a chat with passengers without annoying noises interfering with your car’s sound quality.
Explore these Dynamat alternatives to improve your ride.
#1 Noico
Noico is an excellent Dynamat alternative as it is 80 mils thick, which compares to Dynamat. Any Dynamat alternative worth the money is at least 80 mils and costs less.
Noico costs less than Dynamat and has a reputation for being an excellent substitute.
Noico is heat-resistant, and the manufacturer includes an installation indicator to let you know whether your installation process has been successful.
Unlike some brands, Noico is simple to install, and you can complete the job in a relatively short space of time. As a soundproofing Dynamat alternative, Noico delivers quality and price, giving you the quiet ride, you want.
#2 FatMat
FatMat also comes in the requisite 80 mil thickness, which you should look for in a Dynamat alternative. The manufacturers provide customers with instructions and a helpful toolkit that includes a knife and roller to support your DIY sound deafening job.
Another feature of FatMat is that the package contains a Sound Control Decal and vibrational damper.
Overall, this product adds more pleasure to your driving experience by limiting distortion and boosting your bass quality, making it an excellent reason to select this product over Dynamat.
FatMat is also heat-resistant due to its aluminum coating and powerful adhesive, making installation much more straightforward.
#3 Kilmat
Kilmat manages the dispersion of sound waves almost or equally well as Dynamat. Your product includes an indicator to show whether your installation is efficient (like Noico).
Cutting the 80-mil thickness by 36 square foot sheets to size is a simple process. After installing the sheets, it is easy to trim them to fit, which adds to the working pleasure of your soundproofing job.
Another value add is that the adhesive that sells with this heat-resistant product is strong, adding to the ease of installation. Kilmat effectively limits rattles and vibrations, so it is an excellent Dynamat alternative.
You can’t go too far wrong with this product for quality, efficacy, and price.
#4 B-Quiet
B-Quiet uses a butyl-based and asphalt formula with a foil alloy external layer. This product sells in 50 sq. ft. sheets, whereas most other Dynamat alternatives are available in 18 or 36 sq. ft.
Although B-Quiet is a good substitute for Dynamat, the fact that it contains asphalt is not ideal.
However, B-Quiet is heat-resistant up to 230 °F, beating Dynamat by 30 degrees and is typically less than 2 ½ times the cost of Dynamat.
B-Quiet is much lighter than Dynamat, but this is because it is only 45 mils thick instead of 80 mils, which is a drawback.
Because B-Quiet is so much thinner than Dynamat, it may not be the right soundproofing for you, but it will help deaden sound if the price fits your budget.
#5 Second Skin
Manufacturers construct Second Skin with a butyl compound combined with elastomeric properties and anneal foil.
Second Skin delivers excellent soundproofing capabilities, comparable to the costlier Dynamat, which relies on its Vector chemistry patent for superior soundproofing.
Another benefit of this product is its lifetime adhesive guarantee which is far less sticky than the more expensive Dynamat.
If this is a problem, it could be a dealbreaker when installing your soundproofing.
Where Dynamat’s thickness is 67 mils, Second Skin is 80 mils and is heat-resistant up to 450 °F, making this feature superior to Dynamat’s 300 °F heat-resistant level.
Overall, Second Skin delivers soundproofing quality that makes it one of the best Dynamat alternatives on the market.
#6 Spectrum Liquid Deadener
Second Skin also makes a liquid soundproofing product. If you are skilled in using a roller, brush, or an HVLP gun and compressor, this product may be a convenient mat alternative.
Instead of being a butyl or asphalt-based creation, the Spectrum Liquid Deadener uses a viscoelastic polymer which is water-based.
Spectrum is heat and flame resistant up to 400 °F. This liquid sound deadening material is also rust and waterproof, odorless, and non-toxic.
If you feel you’re up to the challenge of applying a liquid soundproofing product instead of a mat alternative, you can save time and money by purchasing this product.
Appreciate that Spectrum Liquid Deadener is only a good Dynamat alternative if you can effectively apply this liquid. If so, you will enjoy an excellent soundproofing experience.
#7 Hushmat
Hushmat is the perfect Dynamat alternative since it is specially designed for first-time users. If you’re uncertain about installing soundproofing, Hushmat guides you through every step of the process.
If you don’t need more than a 15-decibel reduction, Hushmat is ideal.
This product is thinner and lighter than Dynamat, so it is easier to cut to size, which is also why its sound-dampening properties are less effective than the market leader for a comparable thickness.
Like Dynamat, Hushmat uses a butyl-based formula and sells for less than half Dynamat’s price per sq.ft. Hushmat’s Ultra heat-resistance factor soars to 550 °F.
Heat resistant products in vehicles add value, but when car fires can burn at up to 1,500 °F, this property will only help so much.
Hushmat is cheaper than Dynamat but offers limited sound deadening. However, you can purchase Hushmat Ultra, which is thicker and generates better soundproofing but at a higher price.
If a 15-decibel noise reduction isn’t good enough for you, consider the Ultra version.
#8 Siless
Siless is cheap, is available in an 80-mil thickness, is butyl-based, and doesn’t contain asphalt. Products containing asphalt.
The significance of a butyl soundproofing formula is that it contains rubber which performs far better than asphalt.
Asphalt sound deadening products are often cheaper because of their lack of performance relative to those with butyl.
Asphalt also contains more harmful chemicals than butyl, especially when used in a car’s interior.
You can purchase SilessVibro at approximately four times less than Dynamat. Siless is also available in a peel and stick application, making it convenient to install as you don’t have to handle messy adhesives.
Another confidence-boosting fact is that Siless has developed its own Bmastic patent, similar to the Vector patent that Dynamat produces.
Siless is an excellent Dynamat alternative with its impressive sound deadening capacity, especially when you consider its low cost.
#9 Stinger Roadkill
Some car enthusiasts regard Stinger Roadkill as the best Dynamat soundproofing alternative, if not better than Dynamat.
Stinger Roadkill comprises a butyl formula enhanced with an external aluminum layer. This product is denser and heavier than some Dynamat options, but Dynamat outperforms Stinger’s aluminum foil in terms of strength.
Stinger Roadkill has the advantage of being a self-adhesive rubber product rather than the stick-and-place rubber mat format that Dynamat manufactures.
However, Dynamat has the upper hand because Stinger creates its soundproofing product solely for cars. Even though Stinger is a third heavier than Dynamat, it costs up to 40% less.
When you weigh costs and outcomes, Stinger wins over Dynamat in terms of money value and convenience of use.
Final words
Dynamat alternatives have become competitive enough in terms of quality and pricing to outperform Dynamat.
While Dynamat continues to rely on its quality product and patented technology, there are substitutes available that get the job done at less than half the price.
Explore your options before paying a high price for sound deadening when cheaper products are just as effective.