Many dogs experience extreme anxiety when they hear loud noises like fireworks, thunder, or even trains. If you notice your dog panting, shaking, pacing, drooling, barking, howling, or hiding after you hear a loud “boom” sound, then you need to create a safe space for your pet. A safe space can be a crate, room, or even closet that has been soundproofed.
It is important to have a safe space readily available in the warmer months of the year, as this is when thunderstorms and firestorms are most likely to occur. Soundproofing a space for your dog requires using proper materials.
You want to avoid simply grabbing regular blankets or ordinary household items because these items may not effectively block out the noise. You can, however, use moving blankets for an immediate solution if you already have these readily available.
The easiest option is to keep a ZenCrate around for any unexpected situations that your dog may find upsetting.
Eventually, your dog will learn to associate the ZenCrate with safety and automatically retreat into it when loud noises occur. So, even if you’re not home you won’t have to worry about your dog.
Let’s face it, you can’t control loud noises that take place outside your home, but you can help your dog have access to a noise-free space to seek refuge in.
Every dog will have different needs and therefore, there are several options for how to create a safe space for your pet. Some pets may become particularly noisy themselves as a response to loud noises. These dogs may even start barking or howling uncontrollably.
Other pets may want to retreat into small spaces, like under the sofa or bed. Taking an inventory of your pet’s response to loud noises is the first step in determining which soundproofing option will be best for your household.
Try a Crate Cover
If you already have a crate that your dog willingly goes into then you could add a crate cover to it. Ultimately, when it comes to preventing sound from penetrating into a dog crate, you need padding.
The Pet Dreams crate cover provides all-around coverage and padding. The cover comes in three parts, allowing interior and exterior coverage for the crate.
It includes an exterior cover, blocking sound before it reaches the crate. As well as, an interior floor pad that creates a soft comfortable space for your nervous pet. It also has a foam bumper, which protects disgruntled or frantic pets from the metal exterior of the crate.
This crate cover is made from breathable materials that are machine washable. So, if your pet has an accident due to fright, you can easily disassemble the cover and throw part of it into the washer.
The fabric is long-lasting and even has a plush option, which is a popular soft material for pet beds and cushions. The set also comes in a variety of sizes and colors, making it a feasible option for most crates. The added bonus of choosing a three-piece crate cover is that it doubles as a bed for your pet. This is a good option for pets that respond nervously, but not noisily, to loud sounds.
While covering the crate will create a comfortable, quiet space for your pet it won’t totally block out all noise completely. So, if your pet is prone to howling or barking then choosing a larger space, like a room or closet that can be fully soundproofed may be an option that you want to consider.
Pad the Safe Space with Acoustic Panels
Don’t try to get by with cheaper alternatives like egg carton foam or carpet, unfortunately, these alternatives do not work as effectively as acoustic paneling.
Fortunately, if you only need to cover a small area then acoustic foam panels won’t be too hard on your wallet.
This option is good for small and medium-sized dogs that get extremely nervous during thunderstorms and fireworks. By applying the acoustic panels to the crate, the dog will experience very minimal exterior sounds.
The panels will also help absorb your dog’s howls or barks, so this is a good option if you live in an apartment building or have nearby neighbors.
Something to consider before choosing this option is where your home is located. Do you live in an area that receives a lot of rain and thunderstorms yearly?
Or, perhaps your home is located next to a railroad track or airport. Even though the panels aren’t permanent, it is not a quick task to take the panels on and off the crate.
Therefore, consider this a semi-permanent option that is best suited for frequent pet upsets.
How to cover a dog crate with acoustic foam panels
Begin by measuring both sides of the crate, as well as the top, bottom, and exterior walls. Next, purchase enough acoustic paneling to cover this area efficiently. The pads are commonly sold in squares ranging from 1 to 2 feet.
You can use a variety of techniques to attach the panels to the crate.
An easy option that won’t puncture the panels is to pick up a bag of medium to large binder clips from an office store and use the clips to attach the panel to the crate itself. The clips are affordable and will keep the panels securely in place.
Once you have acquired all of the necessary hardware, you are ready to soundproof your pet’s crate. You may need to cut the panels to size, so it is suggested that you also grab a pair of scissors.
Work your way from the bottom up, covering the interior base of the crate first. Make sure that when you get to the walls and top of the crate that you’re overlapping the panels.
For example, the panels on the top of the crate should hangover the panels on the side of the crate by about an inch. This will prevent any cracks between panels, thoroughly blocking sound waves.
Affordable: Moving Blankets
If you’re on a budget but still want to help your pooch then consider using Pet Dreams crate cover to soundproof the crate. Professional moving blankets are different from ordinary blankets that you already have in your home.
What makes the blankets unique is the padded construction. Moving blankets are constructed in layers, with the exterior layers being made from soft fabric and the internal layer being constructed of a thin layer of padding.
This special construction makes moving blankets an excellent resource for absorbing and blocking sound waves. In addition, these blankets can be washed easily and stowed away when needed. Therefore, this could be a good option for you if you will only need to pad the crate on occasion.
Moving blankets are fairly large so you can probably get by with covering a small to medium sized crate with one blanket. However, in order to really soundproof the crate, consider using two to three blankets.
Begin by wrapping the exterior of the crate in a blanket. Neatly tuck all of the corners inward.
You can even clip the blanket in place with the binder clips if you prefer. Next, fold a blanket into a cushion and lay it on the floor of the crate.
Make sure to let the sides of the blanket extend up the sides of the crate a few inches. This will offer extra padding for a frantic pet.
You can also throw a blanket over top and let it hang loosely mid-way down the front of the crate.
Always make sure that your pet has plenty of air flowing in from the front of the crate.
By hanging the blanket over the padded crate, you’ll increase the soundproofing qualities of your setup and darken the crate, helping your pet relax and possibly even take a stress-reducing nap.
Soundproofing an entire room for your dog
This option may be necessary if you have a very large breed, like a Great Dane or your dog that has a big bark that bothers your neighbors. You’ll need a mix of the previously mentioned materials, as well as a creative approach to get the job done.
However, with a little patience, this option can be executed quite efficiently.
This option is ideal for a small room or large closet that you do not use very often.
For example, if you have a nook under your stairs, you easily soundproof it. Begin by choosing a space, so you can determine how much of the materials you’ll need.
The acoustic paneling is the most soundproof, so it is an excellent option for smaller spaces. You can even purchase acoustic paneling that doubles as wallpaper, for rooms that you do use frequently.
- If you choose this route then you’ll need to line the walls and ceiling with the panels. If the room is on the first floor then you do not need to line the floor.
- If you’re looking for a less involved, more affordable option then you can simply hang moving blankets on the walls and ceiling. Simply nail the blankets on all sides and be sure that the material is securely and snuggly attached.
- If the floors are wooden or you’re on the second floor of an apartment building then you may want to consider laying down a large area rug.
The denser the pile of the rug, the more sound absorbent it will be. By soundproofing a room or closet, you will not only keep sounds from coming in, but you’ll also keep your dog’s loud barks from getting out.
The Zencrate: The Ultimate Crate
The ZenCrate is a luxurious option that has been clinically proven to reduce pet anxiety caused by loud noises and separation anxiety. It is a wooden, soundproof crate that possesses additional anxiety-reducing features.
The base of the crate accommodates a waterproof memory foam dog bed, providing your pet with the ultimate comfortable experience. It also features motion-activated music, so that if your pet becomes restless the music is activated. You can even curate your pets playlist.
In the occurrence of a power outage, the ZenCrate is fully equipped to function by battery power. You can also add a WiFi HD camera, so you can keep an extra eye on your pet in their time of need.
A forced, but gentle airflow is administered throughout the ZenCrate, which has a calming effect on the dog. White Noise and vibrations are used to block out loud exterior sounds, like thunder or fireworks.
Best of all, the ZenCrate can accommodate pets up to 90lbs! Therefore, it fits most breeds. Assembly only takes a mere five minutes and doesn’t require any additional tools. It’s easily transportable, making it an excellent option for family vacations or individuals who travel with their pets frequently.
This is an excellent option for dogs who experience frequent excitement and nervousness due to loud noises. It’s also a good option for people with limited space or who do not want to choose an option that requires a lot of set up time.
You may also want to consider this option if your pet has additional needs or other anxiety issues. For instance, loud noises can be harder on older dogs and dogs with separation anxiety.
Some dogs may become rambunctious when feeling threatened by loud sounds. These pets will benefit substantially from having a calming and quiet place they can feel comfortable.
There are several great options for helping your pet when loud noises occur. It’s important to carefully consider which option will be best for your pet and your household so that your pet can experience the most relief possible.
Consider factors like your dog’s specific reaction to loud noises, where you live, the size of your pet, your resources, and how often the pet will be alone when determining which route is best for you.
If you have tried any of the previously discussed options for soundproofing a dog crate, please share your experiences. If not, have you tried any other alternatives? Please share your creative approaches to soundproofing your pet’s crate!
Hello…We have a little 2 lb. Biewer. Planning a trip and got to thinking –wanted to get something to SOUND PROOF or DETER some of the airline noise in an Airline Approved Travel Bag. Imagining it’s noisy/loud/bumpy for Pup being on an airplane’s floor, under the seat!
Any Suggestions!
This will be her first time flying!